Sold - TUG Sunglow Female - Proven Breeder (TUGSUNGLOW121412F)
Sold - TUG Sunglow Female - Proven Breeder (TUGSUNGLOW121412F)
Sold - TUG Sunglow Female - Proven Breeder (TUGSUNGLOW121412F) 1

Sold - TUG Sunglow Female - Proven Breeder (TUGSUNGLOW121412F)

Morph:  TUG Sunglow
Hatch Date:  12-14-2012
Sex:  Female
Weight:  94g as of 10-9-2015
Feeding on:  Superworms



This is a breeder release.  This high quality TUG sunglow is indeed 94g, you didn't read it wrong.  She does appear to be a bit overweight at the moment.  But this can happen after a long breeding season, where the female lost a lot of weight and end up feasting a lot over the summer.  She definitely had a big appetite over the summer.  Sometimes after a long breeding season, you just gotta let them eat and replenish.  As they'll lose the weight again during the next breeding season.

She should have at least a couple of years left of breeding in her if you're interested in breeding.  Otherwise purchase her as a pet.  She's beautiful, docile, and friendly to the touch.  She'll make a great pet in a good home.  Her smooth orange tangerine coloration is absolutely beautiful.  Grade A sunglow.

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Morph:  TUG Sunglow
Hatch Date:  12-14-2012
Sex:  Female
Weight:  94g as of 10-9-2015
Feeding on:  Superworms



This is a breeder release.  This high quality TUG sunglow is indeed 94g, you didn't read it wrong.  She does appear to be a bit overweight at the moment.  But this can happen after a long breeding season, where the female lost a lot of weight and end up feasting a lot over the summer.  She definitely had a big appetite over the summer.  Sometimes after a long breeding season, you just gotta let them eat and replenish.  As they'll lose the weight again during the next breeding season.

She should have at least a couple of years left of breeding in her if you're interested in breeding.  Otherwise purchase her as a pet.  She's beautiful, docile, and friendly to the touch.  She'll make a great pet in a good home.  Her smooth orange tangerine coloration is absolutely beautiful.  Grade A sunglow.